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Crawler Systems

Bradken® Undercarriage for PC7000 Excavators

Bradken has long been the designer and manufacturer of crawler shoes for PC5500 and PC8000 ultra-class range of machines, with over 8,200* shoes delivered in the past decade, equating to 88 machine fitments.

This knowledge and expertise in the Komatsu PC range of excavators has now been utilized to develop undercarriage solutions for the PC7000 range.

Our proven track record in design and manufacturing capabilities for these machines has been demonstrated through the delivery of improved wear results of our crawler shoes, with 35% longer wear life for Bradken shoes# measured in comparison to competitors’ shoe wear life.

Bradken® Undercarriage for PC7000 Excavator Parts

Bradken® Undercarriage for PC7000 Excavators- Parts

Bradken® Undercarriage for PC7000 Excavators- Parts

*Bradken delivery results between 2016-2023.
#Results of Case Study undertaken in Oil Sands conditions in Alberta Canada, on the PC8000 crawler shoes compared with competitor shoes in same conditions.

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